In this video you will learn advanced beach volleyball strategy for offense and defense used by the best players in the world including Kerri Walsh and April Ross. This video will offer new insights on running offensive and defensive routes as well as new advanced blocking calls to make this possible. This video includes demo examples with Kerri Walsh, April Ross, Casey Patterson, Emanuel Rego, and Alison Cerutti. This video also includes tangible examples of how to apply these advanced strategies immediately so that yourself or your players see results instantly.
Below are related videos including:
– Steve Anderson advanced blocking signals
– Steve Anderson hitting strategy / shots on a “I” Approach – Hitting Middle or “L” Approach – Hitting from Outside
– 3 Example videos with Kerri Walsh and April Ross executing defensive play. Each example is filmed with 7 Camera’s from multiple angles.
– Demo Videos with Casey Patterson, Sean Rosenthal, Emanuel Rego, and Alison Cerutti
– Plus more…
Also contact me: Andor Gyulai – andor @ if you are interested in the V1 Sports App for volleyball.
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